How Play in Nature Feeds our Spirits and Improves Health by Jessica Palys French Jesuit and scientist Pierre Tielhard de Chardin once said, “Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” But busy lives and faithful devotion tend towards seriousness and stress rather than the playfulness that opens us up to easy laughter Read More
Archive by Author
Applying the 5 Principles of Ohashiatsu to Community Engagement
Recently I was looking through old files and came across this list of principles for practicing a certain kind of shiatsu massage called Ohashiatsu. I trained in this body work practice when I was working as a chaplain as a way to help me understand how to be present with people’s bodies as I encountered Read More
Faith Communities, Social Relationships and Health
A few years ago a study came out that showed that social relationships–the human connections that we share with other people–have a powerful influence on our health. The study, Social Relationships and Mortality Risk by Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Timothy B. Smith, and J. Bradley Layton found that having low levels of social interaction had the same Read More