NEXUS–Our Gathering Spot
NEXUS is our Community of Practice Gathering Spot–a place where you can keep up with what is happening in faith and health work in the region and share what you are doing with others…all in one place.
You can participate in Forum discussions and networks that are happening around faith and health work in the region. The Forum is a space where people working on a common issue can share conversations, articles and resources. Sign up for a Forum group by enrolling in NEXUS with a user name and password. You will be able to see what others are posting, share a response or share your own materials, and send an email to others in your group.
You can access all these features without joining Nexus, but when you join, there is more you can see and do. Joining is easy. Just create a user name and password and you’re up and running!
If you have already created an account, SIGN IN HERE.